Patient Care

The Recordati group has always been focused on developing and offering innovative products, with the aim of improving human health and quality of life. To this end, the Group invests continuously in research and development and is committed to maintaining the highest product quality and safety standards throughout the product life cycle. In the Recordati group’s strategy, the central importance of patients, including the most vulnerable, is also manifested in a constant attention to improving access to healthcare. Convinced that every single patient should have access to the best possible treatment, the Group also operates in the area of rare diseases.

Research and Development

The Group is constantly committed to Research & Development activities, implemented through pharmaceutical pipelines and the acquisition of new areas of specialty. In particular, in recent years Recordati has focused its efforts mainly on pharmaceuticals in the rare diseases sector.

Arrigo Prize

Call launched for the 11th Arrigo Recordati Prize international award promoting scientific research into rare diseases

Product Quality and Safety

In order to guarantee the highest possible levels of patient health and safety, the Group guarantees product quality and safety throughout the Recordati supply chain, from research and development of new products to the procurement of raw materials and packaging and the production, control and commercialisation of registered medicines.

Access to Medicines

Recordati has always believed that health, and the opportunity to live life to the fullest, is a right, not a privilege.  Whether that is for common diseases or the rarest, it wants to give all people the opportunity to be the best version of themselves by having access to affordable, innovative and sustainable healthcare.

Access and Pricing Principles

Access to medicine remains a cornerstone of Recordati’s ESG strategy and the Company is committed to improving both accessibility and affordability of its products in all geographical areas in which it operates. Access to pharmaceutical products requires a collective effort: with the industry, policymakers and payers working together to remove barriers so that people can unlock their potential to live a full life.


Recordati has a value-based approach to affordability that ensures the prices of medicines reflect the benefits they deliver to patients, their families, the healthcare system, and society as a whole. This approach balances responsible pricing and sustainable business while also supporting the cost of continuing to invest in drug development.

There are numerous factors that impact pricing decisions, with the process varying significantly from country to country. At the centre of Recordati’s approach are the needs of patients and their accessibility to critical treatments. 


The Company understands and recognises that, in countries with limited resources, there are different healthcare needs and affordability challenges than in higher-income countries. It also knows that there are health inequities in these higher-income countries, where many people still do not have access to enough public health coverage or private insurance.


Recordati understands that health economies throughout the world are being further squeezed due to budgetary pressures and aligns its product innovation accordingly. The Company ensures that any new product candidates bring tangible benefits to patients, healthcare providers and payers alike. Recordati adopts a partnership approach to new medicine approvals to ensure we partner with the right providers and experts to create improved outcomes, cost-effectively.


Recordati supports activities and organises its own to deliver treatment to underserved populations, including disease education, and assisting uninsured and underinsured patients in navigating healthcare services. It also supports access programmes designed to give financial and disease management support, especially in the rare disease segment.

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Developing new specialties in both existing and new markets: With a focus on rare diseases, Recordati develops new specialties that are either developed internally or acquired through agreements with other pharmaceutical companies and research institutes. Commitment, scientific rigour, capability and highly specialized personnel allow Recordati to develop new treatments and build an innovative product pipeline, including through life-cycle management, new products and post marketing.

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Continuing to provide high-quality and affordable products for a broad range of therapeutic areas including low- and middle-income countries through the Specialty & Primary Care Division: Recordati has a strong and proven heritage of supporting people living with a wide range of common illnesses that affect large populations every day – creating value for patients, payers and physicians across primary and specialty care with both prescription and self-medication treatments.

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Focusing on the few and caring for the most vulnerable through Rare Disease Division: Of the 7,000 known rare diseases, less than 10% have an available treatment option. Since 2007, through the dedicated business unit Rare Diseases, Recordati is focused on helping the few who suffer from little known conditions. The business unit’s mission is to reduce the impact of rare and devastating diseases by providing urgently needed medicines in key therapeutic areas.

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Supporting patient associations, caregivers, doctors and institutions to increase awareness, leading to improved diagnosis, and expand the availability of treatments, especially for people with rare diseases. This is done, for example, by promoting meetings with healthcare professionals, providing information to raise awareness, and actively participating in scientific conferences. Recordati also engages in collaboration with groups and associations to promote correct information for patients and sponsors awareness-raising days. In addition, the Recordati Rare Diseases Foundation was established to provide independent and unconditional support for training programmes aimed at the scientific community in the field of rare diseases. These high-level training courses are organised under the supervision of an external scientific committee.

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Through Patient Access Programmes: Recordati supports programmes to assist patients eligible to receive support for the costs related to our products: the Patient Assistance Program (PAP) and the Co-Pay Assistance Program (CAP). These two programs are active in the USA and Canada and are focused on Endocrinology, Oncology, and Metabolic therapeutic areas. Similar programmes are in place in other geographic areas, including Australia, Brazil, Russia, South Korea and Taiwan.

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Through medicine donation: Recordati supports product donations to disadvantaged people who are unable to purchase medicines, or during times of humanitarian emergencies

Also in the context of facilitating access to treatments, in 2023 Recordati Rare Diseases continued to support two programmes to provide assistance to patients eligible to receive support for the costs related to its products: the Patient Assistance Program (PAP) and the Co-Pay Assistance Program (CAP):

  • Patient Assistance Program (PAP): this programme enables Recordati Rare Diseases to supply products to medical professionals or hospitals which require free products in order to treat patients who do not have adequate medical insurance to cover the cost of the drug and are able to demonstrate financial need. A case-by-case assessment is carried out by a third party on behalf of Recordati Rare Diseases in order to substantiate eligibility and register patients in the programme.
  • Co-Pay Assistance Program (CAP): this support programme, available for certain products, is administered through a third party on behalf of Recordati Rare Diseases and provides financial support to insured patients for all or part of their financial responsibilities not covered by their insurance plan. In order to benefit from this assistance, patients must fulfil certain eligibility requirements, and have a valid medical prescription for the product.

These two programs are active in the USA and Canada and are focused on Endocrinology, Oncology, and Metabolic therapeutic areas. Similar programs are in place in other geographic areas, for instance, Australia, Brazil, Russia, South Korea and Taiwan.

During 2023, Recordati supported around 1,100 rare disease patients with Patient Assistance Program (PAP), Co-Pay Assistance Program (CAP) and similar programmes.

Antibiotic resistance and neglected tropical diseases

Regarding the problem of antibiotic resistance, Recordati is exploring the antifungal and antibacterial properties of fenticonazole with fungal and bacterial strains resistant to common treatments.

The same molecule is also being studied to assess its potential effectiveness in the treatment of leishmaniasis, a parasitic condition classified as a neglected tropical disease (tropical infections that are particularly common in low-income populations in developing regions of Africa, Asia and the Americas).

Read more about the Recordati Rare Diseases Foundation.

For more information please see the Consolidated

Non-Financial Statement 2022

The Group is constantly committed to Research & Development activities, implemented through pharmaceutical pipelines and the acquisition of new areas of speciality. In particular, in recent years Recordati has focused its efforts mainly on pharmaceuticals in the rare diseases sector.


The Group carries out research and development in accordance with good clinical and laboratory practices, guaranteeing compliance with the highest international standards. Recordati uses animals in scientific experiments only when this is strictly necessary, that is when there is no alternative and when it is expressly required by the health authorities. In such cases, Recordati makes use of specialised centres which guarantee adherence to national and supra-national legislation and which effectively implement the principles of the 3Rs: Replacement (using alternative methods), Reduction (minimising the number of animals used) and Refinement (protecting animal welfare).


Recordati ensures the utmost rigour in performance of clinical studies through appropriate data management and the transparent management of results, thus avoiding any potential conflicts of interest. The health and safety of the subjects involved in clinical and post-marketing studies are our top priority, along with the protection of their human rights, including the rights to dignity, self-determination, privacy, and the confidentiality of personal data. Subjects enrolled in the studies are provided with clear and comprehensive information, expressed using comprehensible, non-technical language. The Group uses trial centres and suppliers of proven reliability and professionalism and which are capable of meeting the highest legal and regulatory requirements, as well as the applicable codes of conduct for the industry.

In order to guarantee the highest possible levels of patient health and safety, the Group guarantees product quality and safety throughout the Recordati supply chain, from research and development of new products to the procurement of raw materials and packaging and the production, control and commercialisation of registered medicines.

During research and development phases, specific clinical studies are carried out in order to ensure the efficacy and safety of the products and monitor for the emergence of any possible harmful side effects. The results of these studies are assessed by national and supranational bodies before marketing authorisation of the medicines is issued in the respective countries.

Within the supply chain, the Group’s suppliers are selected according to stringent assessment criteria and are periodically audited to confirm compliance with the applicable quality standards.

During manufacture at all Recordati facilities, all medicinal products are produced in accordance with the provisions of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) in plants authorised by the relative local and non-European regulatory bodies. The Group’s plants periodically undergo inspections and audits to ascertain compliance with current legislation and applicable procedures. Furthermore, all third party production facilities used by Recordati are subject to periodic audits, verifying the existence of the necessary regulatory authorisations required and ascertaining that all manufacturing and control activities are conducted in compliance with GMPs.

Manufacturing processes at the Group’s sites involves rigorous and complete preliminary controls of the batches of raw materials and packaging materials received. This occurs before their use in the established manufacturing and packaging processes. In almost all cases, these controls are conducted at the Quality Control laboratories located within the Group’s plants. In the event that external laboratories are used, these are selected and monitored according to the same rigorous procedure adopted for the Group for third party manufacturing facilities. In both cases, the Quality Control laboratories must be expressly authorised and certified to perform these control activities, with inspections performed by national and international regulatory agencies.

In order to guarantee the quality and safety of the products, each batch of medicines is subject to a preliminary quality control procedure prior to its release on the market, with the approval for distribution granted only in the event that the batches comply completely with the specifications authorised by the relevant Regulatory Authorities.

For more information, please see the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement


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