
We believe that contributing to the well-being of the community and dedicating part of our resources to acts of solidarity is not merely the fulfilment of company obligations or professional duty, but rather a moral imperative, an essential part of a healthy business capable of growth but at the same time able to support and develop the community in which it operates and make its employees proud.

Specifically, in 2023 the Recordati group gave donations with a value of approximately € 4.8* million  in the form of both cash and product donations. The Group’s support mainly concerns humanitarian emergencies—such as support for local communities and employees affected by the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria, flooding in Emilia-Romagna (Italy), and the conflict in Ukraine—patient support, scientific research and education, and environmental and community initiatives.  In the area of support for patients, scientific research and education, work on the treatment of rare diseases is of particular importance. This includes information and awareness initiatives, support for patient associations and scientific events.

Recordati group donations by type

No Data Found

This figure includes monetary donations and product donations measured at market value.  

Support from the Group in the context of humanitarian emergencies

The Recordati group took prompt action to support those affected by various tragic events that occurred during the year.

With regards to the earthquake that hit Türkiye and Syria at the beginning of 2023, the Recordati group swiftly provided emergency accommodation and immediate financial support for employees and activated an internal fundraising initiative, to support colleagues who have been most impacted by the crisis. To provide further essential assistance, Recordati has also donated medicines and medical supplies to areas of need according to the requirements list and rules determined by the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (TITCK), while also making a donation to the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority in Türkiye (AFAD), which provided essential aid to earthquake victims.

To support the communities affected by the flooding in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) in spring 2023, the Recordati group decided to join the “Support fund for the people of Emilia-Romagna” established by Confindustria, Cgil, Cisl and Uil. Group employees had the opportunity to make a voluntary donation equivalent to one hour’s work, with the Company adding its own contribution.

In addition, Recordati continued to support the people of Ukraine and offer care to patients, primarily through the donation of medicines.

Recordati supports the Forestami project

Recordati has renewed its commitment to protecting the environment and supporting sustainable development in the areas in which it operates through its role as a main partner for the 2021–2023 period in the Forestami project, which aims to plant 3 million trees and increase the natural capital of the Metropolitan City of Milan by 2030.

In 2023, there were numerous initiatives to support local communities in all countries where the Group operates, either through monetary and product donations or the direct efforts of employees and social initiatives.


The key initiatives in Italy include being a main partner for the 2021-2023 period in the Forestami project, which aims to increase the natural capital of the Metropolitan City of Milan by 2030. Another reforestation project was carried out in Tunisia, with the Opalia Recordati branch planting approximately 3,000 trees in a forest destroyed by wildfires in 2022. This reforestation work not only contributes to environmental conservation, but offered an opportunity for direct employee engagement. The planting was performed by around 20 employees working alongside the volunteers from Tounes Clean-up, an association specialising in reforestation. Tounes Clean-up will monitor, maintain and irrigate the area, and manage the project inventory, for the next two years. Finally, by the end of 2024 a further 10,000 trees will be planted in Türkiye in the Kilis Yeniyurt reforestation zone, an area affected by the earthquake in 2023.


Over 14,000 trees were planted by the Recordati group in the years 2021-2023 (more than 11,000 in Italy and 3,000 in Tunisia) and planting of a further 10,000 is planned in Türkiye by 2024.


In total, in the years 2021-2024, approximately 24,000 trees will have been planted, corresponding to five trees per employee.

For more information please see the Consolidated

Non-Financial Statement 2022


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