Chemicals Business ​

We manufacture and provide our Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) portfolio to customers worldwide. Recordati has a long-standing track record within its chemical division, with strong internal capabilities, internationally recognised quality products and long-term relationships with our customers. Our Active Principles cover several therapeutic areas in both primary and specialty care, meeting the highest standards of quality and reliability.

Our chemicals division can also support customers in new and advanced products development by merging prime manufacturing with technological expertise, process excellence and high scientific competence.

Our experts can provide flexible API process development, custom synthesis and manufacturing services for pharmaceutical companies that require advanced synthesis skills, leading R&D activities and full regulatory support.

Recordati has the technology and knowledge to be a preferred manufacturing partner, from early clinical phase to commercial scale API manufacturing. Throughout your molecule’s life cycle, we move at the speed of experience.

Sales & Marketing contacts

+39 02 48787336

Interested in joining our team?

We foster an entrepreneurial environment where high-performing individuals are empowered to make a difference across our organisation.


The personal data that you provide by compiling this form will be used by Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica S.p.A. (“Recordati”) – the “Data Controller” – solely for performing activities connected with the provision of the email alert service and it will be processed manually, by computer and via the internet in a manner that will guarantee its security and confidentiality. It is not compulsory for you to give your data, however, if you refuse to allow it to be processed, then it will be impossible for Recordati to provide you with the above-mentioned service. Your personal data may be passed on to other companies that belong to the RECORDATI Group or to associate companies of the Group and to third parties that Recordati uses to provide the service to you.


In any event we assure you that your data will be processed solely for the above purposes and using the above methods.


The company Tech Style S.r.l. has been appointed as external Data Processor in accordance with Art. 29 of the Privacy Code, because it has been engaged to maintain the technological part of the website. The Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Communication of Recordati S.p.a. has been appointed as internal Data Processor of Recordati in accordance with article 29 of the Privacy Code.


A data subject shall have the right to obtain at any moment confirmation of whether or not data is held on him/her, to know its content and origin, to check its accuracy or to ask for it to be added to, updated or rectified (article 7 of the Privacy Code).


Requests must be sent to the Data Processor of Recordati:
   by email, to the address: ;
   or by ordinary mail to Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica S.p.A. – Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications – 1 Via Civitali – 20148 Milan.


In accordance with article 23 of Legislative Decree No. 196/03 on personal data protection, having read the above information, I hereby authorise Recordati S.p.A. to process my personal data for the purposes set out in that same information. I am aware that if I refuse, Recordati will not be able to enable its email alert service for me.


Subsequent withdrawal of consent to the data processing mentioned in the preceding paragraph will result in the cancellation of the subscription request or cancellation of the subscription to the email alert service.