Corporate Governance

The corporate governance structure of the Company is based on a traditional organisational model and therefore consists of the following corporate bodies: the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Board of Statutory Auditors. Accounting control is delegated, in compliance with the relative legislation in force, to a firm of auditors registered in the special roll maintained by the Consob. A ‘231’ (administrative liability) Compliance Body (ODV) has also been appointed which oversees the proper functioning of the ‘231 Model’ and is responsible for updating it.

Corporate Governance

The corporate governance structure of the Company is based on a traditional organisational model and therefore consists of the following corporate bodies: (i) the Shareholders’ Meeting, (ii) the Board of Directors, (iii) the Board of Statutory Auditors. Accounting control is delegated, in compliance with the relative legislation in force, to a firm of auditors registered in the special roll maintained by the Consob. A ‘231’ (administrative liability) Compliance Body (ODV) has also been appointed which oversees the proper functioning of the ‘231 Model’ and is responsible for updating it.

The Board of Directors has formed two committees from among its members with consultative and proposal-making functions: the Remuneration and Nominations Committee and the Risk, Control and CSR Committee, both consisting exclusively of independent directors.


Below is a graph representing the corporate governance structure of the Company:
The primary objective of Recordati’s corporate governance system is to create value for its Shareholders by means of a responsible and sustainable approach, without ever losing sight of the social relevance of its business and all the interests involved.

Recordati adheres to and complies with the Corporate Governance Code for listed companies (the January 2020 edition) with the additions and necessary amendments resulting from the characteristics of the Group as mentioned in the Corporate Governance Report and Ownership Structure.

Corporate governance report & ownership
structure financial year 2022
2023, March 30

2022, April 1 – Corporate governance report and ownership structure 2021

2021, March 25 – Corporate governance report and ownership structure 2020

2020, March 24 – Corporate governance report and ownership structure 2019

2019, March 4 – Corporate Governance Report And Ownership Structure 2018

2018, March 19 – 2017 Corporate Governance Report

2017, March 22 – 18:57, Corporate Governance Report 2016

2016, March 14 – Relazione Governo Societario_2015

2015, March 5 – Corporate Governance Report 2014

2014, March 6

2013, March 8
2012, March 9

2011, March 9

2010, March 12

2008, March 5

Company Bylaws

Company Bylaws, April 2017
Board of Directors
Board of Statutory Auditors


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