Life at

Recordati has been at the forefront of life-enhancing and life-changing medicines for almost 100 years. Starting off as a family run pharmacy in Correggio, Italy in the 1920s, Recordati is now a global pharmaceutical force, listed on the Italian stock exchange, with over 4,300 employees.

We are a group of like-minded, passionate individuals who go to extraordinary lengths for our partners, customers, investors and the people across the globe who we serve in around 150 countries. We all have the same purpose: Unlocking the full potential of life.

Life at

Recordati has been at the forefront of life-enhancing and life-changing medicines for almost 100 years. Starting off as a family run pharmacy in Correggio, Italy in the 1920s, Recordati is now a large international pharmaceutical force, listed on the Italian stock exchange, with over 4,300 employees.


We are a group of like-minded, passionate individuals who go to extraordinary lengths for our partners, customers, investors and the people across the globe who we serve in around 150 countries. We all have the same purpose: Unlocking the full potential of life.

Multiple opportunities

Recordati is uniquely structured to bring treatment options across specialty and primary care, consumer healthcare, and rare diseases. We have fully integrated operations across research & development, chemical and finished product manufacturing through to commercialisation and licensing.

Value and diversity of our people

At Recordati, we believe in equal opportunities and we guarantee that everyone can achieve their potential. We see diversity as a value and will not tolerate any discrimination based on ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, political or religious belief, or any other personal characteristics. At Recordati, we work hard to create a safe and inclusive work environment, where we all have our rights to physical and psychological integrity respected on a daily basis, as well as our right to freedom of opinion and association. We recognise that we each have a role to play in the success ofour business and we implement staff development policies through which everyone’s contribution and achievements can be appropriately rewarded.

Our team is growing, and in the right way
As of the 31st December 2022, the total number of the Group's employees was 4,369 - an increase compared to 2021 - of which 52% were men and 48% were women.

In 2022 the Recordati group also provided over
120,000 hours of training to its employees; equating to 28 hours of training per capita.

In Recordati we regularly launch internal Surveys to measure engagement and satisfaction of our employees

Recordati for the Community

We believe that contributing to the well-being of the community and dedicating part of our resources to acts of solidarity is not merely the fulfilment of company obligations or professional duty, but rather a moral imperative, an essential part of a healthy business capable of growth but at the same time able to support and develop the community in which it operates and make its employees proud.

Recordati for the Planet

A clean environment is essential for people’s well-being: the health of the planet and the health of people is tightly interconnected. Environmental elements, such as air, water, land and climate, all have an impact on the well-being of humans. Placing a focus on people’s health and being sustainable therefore also means prioritising environmental protection and a responsibility towards future generations. This is why the Group ensures that it conducts business in a socially responsible manner and in accordance with sustainable practices, national and international laws, and the expectations of stakeholders.


The personal data that you provide by compiling this form will be used by Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica S.p.A. (“Recordati”) – the “Data Controller” – solely for performing activities connected with the provision of the email alert service and it will be processed manually, by computer and via the internet in a manner that will guarantee its security and confidentiality. It is not compulsory for you to give your data, however, if you refuse to allow it to be processed, then it will be impossible for Recordati to provide you with the above-mentioned service. Your personal data may be passed on to other companies that belong to the RECORDATI Group or to associate companies of the Group and to third parties that Recordati uses to provide the service to you.


In any event we assure you that your data will be processed solely for the above purposes and using the above methods.


The company Tech Style S.r.l. has been appointed as external Data Processor in accordance with Art. 29 of the Privacy Code, because it has been engaged to maintain the technological part of the website. The Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Communication of Recordati S.p.a. has been appointed as internal Data Processor of Recordati in accordance with article 29 of the Privacy Code.


A data subject shall have the right to obtain at any moment confirmation of whether or not data is held on him/her, to know its content and origin, to check its accuracy or to ask for it to be added to, updated or rectified (article 7 of the Privacy Code).


Requests must be sent to the Data Processor of Recordati:
   by email, to the address: ;
   or by ordinary mail to Recordati Industria Chimica e Farmaceutica S.p.A. – Director of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications – 1 Via Civitali – 20148 Milan.


In accordance with article 23 of Legislative Decree No. 196/03 on personal data protection, having read the above information, I hereby authorise Recordati S.p.A. to process my personal data for the purposes set out in that same information. I am aware that if I refuse, Recordati will not be able to enable its email alert service for me.


Subsequent withdrawal of consent to the data processing mentioned in the preceding paragraph will result in the cancellation of the subscription request or cancellation of the subscription to the email alert service.